Creative Thinkers,
Innovators &
Future LEaders

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Future Leaders

We are a learning community who believes in raising the next generation of entrepreneurial-minded young leaders. Our vision is to empower future leaders to embrace learning, unleash their potential and equip themselves with entrepreneurial mindset.


Events to inspire

Ideas to ignite the imagination, uncharted territories to discover and big experiences to be lived. Click through to explore our collection of carefully curated events for you and your child to embark on today.


Our Philosophy & Curriculum


Re-imagined Learning

Time and space are two important pillars that form the foundation of our curriculum. Allowing young minds to develop into their own through self discovery so as to build self confidence, and an explorer’s mindset.

Small Classroom, Big Experiences.

The world is your child’s classroom. We bring real life application and hands on learning into their world, so they will be boardroom ready. Each child is unique and therefore requires an individualized learning journey. We honor each child by limiting the size of each class, thereby allowing them to develop at their own pace.

Intrapreneurship within Entrepreneurship

Intrapreneurship is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. By incorporating this fairly new practice in our curriculum, exploration and creativity takes center stage. Our learning culture promotes peer-learning and failing forward to nurture resilient and innovative thinkers.


Meet Our founder


Hi I’m See Ting

A firm believer of innovative education and an advocate of self-sustainability. I founded Kidzstarter, to impart an entrepreneurial skills and mindset to young children.

Certified by the European Programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport to teach entrepreneurship and leadership in elementary, high, vocational and adult schools, I am constantly trying to redefine education and looking for new ways to engage and empower various communities.


Our Past Events


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